6 Simple Secrets To Spectacularly Satisfying Sex

Jonathan R. Wachtel
8 min readJan 14, 2017

Imagine what it would feel like to have spectacularly satisfying sex. Imagine the desire growing within you, the feelings of connection and love, closeness and intimacy, the wonderful rhythm, being in sync with another, the explosion of shared pleasure. Imagine the warm, electrifying energy flowing up and down your body in waves of sensual ecstasy. Imagine feeling safe and comfortable and so relaxed, being able to totally let go and be completely present to the sensations of touch, the experience of flowing blissful energy all throughout your body.

How do you make sex spectacular?

Rules (“should”s and “should not”s) and fears can hold us back from completely letting go and allowing ourselves to enjoy our sexual experiences fully.

How can we relax and really enjoy everything that sex can be?

The key is to address our experience with ourselves first. Only then can we experience what we want to with another person.

Here are 6 simple secrets to spectacularly satisfying sex:

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Simple Secret #1:

Imagine the experience.

Imagine all the excitement and pleasure and ecstasy, the comfort and connection, the intimacy and relaxation. Imagine the feelings and sensations fully enough that you’re already experiencing them.

This way, you’ll already feel like this is real for you — that you can experience this (since you’re already getting quite a good internal preview of what this feels like) — and you’re priming yourself for having this kind of experience supported by your life.

Simple Secret #2:

Let go of the rules.

“Should”s and “should not”s have no place in any positive relationship — with yourself or anyone or anything else. They shut us down rather than opening us up.

In a positive relationship (with ourselves and with another) — where deep, comfortable, pleasurable intimacy is possible — there’s openness of communication and the feeling of freedom to express ourselves as we are — what we think, what we feel, and what we want. There is only what you would like to experience and what it feels right for you to do or what it doesn’t feel right for you to do from that place.

So, rather than imposing rules to try to get what you want out of fear that you won’t, just focus on what you want to experience and listen to and act on what feels good and right from there, and you’ll actually get the results you want — smoothly, naturally, and effortlessly.

Simple Secret #3:

Accept yourself and get comfortable with yourself.

Imagine what you’d like to experience ultimately, and accept where you are on the way there. You don’t need to arrive at perfection or success or whatever to be there. You need only to be headed in that direction. Good feelings (and bad feelings) tell us the direction we’re headed, not where we are.

So focus on what you’d like to experience, and take action from there, and accept where you are at each step along the way since you’re on the way toward more external support for your desired internal experience. And you’ll feel good about yourself, and you’ll feel good in general.

Simple Secret #4:

Be the kind of person you want to be with.

Be kind, be respectful, be appreciative, be attentive, be interested in your own well-being. Act on what feels good, and not on what doesn’t feel good, in every area of your life — your body, career, living situation, family, friendships, and everything else.

If you attend to and focus on your feeling good and act from good feelings, you’ll get more reasons to experience good feelings. (If you focus on your feeling bad and act from bad feelings, on the other hand, you’ll get more reasons to experience bad feelings.)

Simple Secret #5:

Connect with yourself.

Recognize that what you want isn’t actually an experience with another person; it isn’t actually physical sex. Lust is an expression of your internal guidance system communicating to you that it wants to connect with you.

So connect with yourself — in regard to every area of your life, including your body, career, living situation, family, friendships, etc.

Rather than tuning out and avoiding and escaping yourself, tune in and face yourself. Imagine experiencing what you truly want to experience, respond to your doubts and fears, and do what you’ve been wanting to do that would make you feel closer to yourself. Pursue whatever would make you feel fully alive and fully yourself.

Simple Secret #6:

Enjoy the journey.

It’s not about the destination. If you’re always trying to get to some experience, you’ll never get to it. Be in it and present to it now.

Enjoy the tension, the buildup. Enjoy the dance, enjoy the rhythm. Enjoy the journey. And you’ll experience what you want to experience every step of the way, making every aspect of it pleasurable.

Here are three key steps to putting these secrets into action successfully:

Step #1:

Imagine The Feelings Of Having Your Desired Experience.

Imagine what it would feel like to have spectacularly satisfying sex. Imagine the desire growing within you, the feelings of connection and love, closeness and intimacy, the wonderful rhythm, being in sync with another, the explosion of shared pleasure. Imagine the warm, electrifying energy flowing up and down your body in waves of sensual ecstasy. Imagine feeling safe and comfortable and so relaxed, being able to totally let go and be completely present to the sensations of touch, the experience of flowing blissful energy all throughout your body.

Before we can experience something in the world, we need to imagine it, create it in our minds, make it real for ourselves as an experience of thoughts and feelings and desires about it before it has any physical reality associated with it. Notice how as you imagine this experience, you’re already experiencing it. This is the key to bringing about a physical reality that supports this experience — in this case, spectacular sex with another person.

So step into this experience as fully as possible in your mind, feel it in your body, live in it for a little while.

Step #2:

Respond To And Redirect Incompatible Thoughts, Feelings, And Desires.

When you’re trying to imagine the experience of spectacularly satisfying sex, address and redirect any thoughts, feelings, or desires that come up that are negative and incompatible with the positive experience that you’d like to have. You do this by first acknowledging that every thought, feeling, and desire that comes up is not you speaking; it is about you. It is your internal guidance, your GPS, speaking to you about you, and not about any other person or anything else.

So if there are reactions within you like, “That’s not possible for me,” or “I’ll never be able to have this with anyone,” or “I’ve tried this before and it didn’t work,” or “I’m not attractive enough,” or “I’m not comfortable enough with myself,” or “I’m not allowed for this reason,” or “This is bad,” this is your thoughts, feelings, and desires speaking to you; it is not you speaking.

Therefore, in order to address these concerns, it is up to you to validate the feelings by saying something like,

“I’m sorry I’ve made you feel these things. I’m sorry that I made you feel like you couldn’t have this kind of experience of deep connection and closeness and security with me, like you’d never be able to have this with me, like you’ve tried without success to be so close with me, like you weren’t attractive enough to get my positive attention, like I didn’t allow you just to be yourself and enjoy yourself, like you were doing something bad if you were feeling good. Going forward, I would love to make you feel like you can have this kind of experience of deep connection and closeness and security with me, like your efforts to get my positive attention are successful, like you are so attractive to me and I love to look at you and be with you and experience you, like you are free to relax and fully be yourself and enjoy yourself, like you are doing exactly the right thing if you are feeling good, like I want you to feel good.”

The same is true when you have any experiences in the mirror of the world, in the reflection of your relationship with yourself in your relationships with other people. You have treated yourself in certain ways and made yourself feel certain things, often unknowingly, and the world came in to reflect back and support this internal experience. The world outside you isn’t the source of the experience ultimately, only a reflection of it and support for it. You are the ultimate source of your experience, originally, and so you are the one, and the only one, who can change it.

If you experience anything that doesn’t fit the experience you’d like to have, and you ignore it and talk over it with forced positivity, dismiss it as unworthy of your attention, or tune it out, you will further create a relationship with yourself that is incompatible with having comfortable and positive intimacy, connection, and pleasure, and this will be reflected in your experiences with other people.

So, instead, validate the experiences you have in reaction to the world as being reactions to you — reactions by your internal guidance to how you’ve treated it and made it feel. Remind yourself that the world is just a mirror and this will be easier, because then it is obvious that it is showing you nothing but what is within you. And only if you change what is within you can you change what you experience in the mirror. So respond to the thoughts, feelings, and desires that speak up within you, for they are speaking to you about you, and not about anyone or anything in the mirror.

Step #3:

Listen To Yourself And Act In Accordance With What Feels Right.

Listen to yourself. Listen to what feels right about what actions to take — about who to be with and when and in what forms.

If you don’t listen to yourself, respect your own boundaries, and fulfill your own wishes, you won’t get the experience you want with another person in the mirror of the world either. But if you do listen to yourself, your experience with another can be just as spectacular.

Create Spectacular Experiences!:

Over many years of guiding others, I’ve helped many people create spectacular experiences in their lives (of every sort) using my Life Guidance System. If you’d like help creating spectacular experiences in your life — in a relationship, career, or any other area — apply for a Free 30-Minute Live Your Dream Life Now Session, in which you’ll:

* Get completely clear about what you truly want.

* Become aware of exactly what actually has been holding you back from getting everything you want up until now.

* Leave the session re-energized and inspired, with clarity about the next steps that you can take, beginning now, to get everything you want.

Ready to create spectacular experiences of every kind? Contact me today at www.inspirationallifeguidance.com and let’s get started making this happen!

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Thanks for reading! Have a spectacular day! ;)



Jonathan R. Wachtel

Powerfully Effective Tools. Rapid And Inspiring Results. Learn how to create your dream life with free resources and more at www.inspirationallifeguidance.com.